DUI – Charges Dropped after Motion to Suppress – Ft Pierce
September 16, 2019
Fort Pierce DUI – Charges Dropped after Motion to Suppress Our client was pulled over based on the police officer’s ‘visual estimate’ that our client was exceeding the speed limit. After digging into the particular officer’s personnel file and discovering that he wasn’t qualified to give a visual estimate of speed, we filed a suppression motion. The prosecutor wisely dropped....

Leaving the Scene of an Accident – Charges Dropped
July 19, 2019
Leaving the Scene of an Accident – Charges Dropped in Saint Lucie County “Fender Bender” Our client was accused of leaving the scene and clipping another vehicle. He said it didn’t happen. We photographed and measured all of the distances where damage was observed on the two vehicles. Guess what? They didn’t match up. We demonstrated this to the prosecutor,....

DUI & Reckless Driving Trial – Not Guilty
June 4, 2019
DUI & Reckless Driving Trial – Not Guilty DUI and Reckless Driving charges. Client was doing 93 mph in 45 mph zone, weaving in and out of traffic over the twin bridges on Port St. Lucie Blvd. in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Cop pulled him over and the client essentially refused to speak, refused to submit to the field sobriety....