Criminal Law Areas of Focus
We represent those accused of DUI or any Criminal Offense in Federal or State Courts all throughout Florida, while most people hire us after they've been arrested in Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Stuart, and Okeechobee, Florida.

State Crimes
We will represent people accused of any state crime in Florida, from Murder to misdemeanors.Probation Violation
We will always try our damnedest to successfully put into place a creative plan for a person accused of a probation violation that will minimize the time they have to spend in jail.Sex Crimes
Obviously these are some of the most serious allegations that one could ever face, and it takes a special kind of talent to orchestrate a successful defense in these situations. You will want someone on your side who has experience winning these kinds of cases.Appeals
We handle Florida state and Federal appeals; be sure to check the filing deadlines and call to hire me in a timely fashion.Drugs & Narcotics
We have won more suppression motions in the last decade than any other lawyer in town, and if there's a way to get evidence thrown out due to an illegal stop or search by the police, we will find it.Computer Solicitation of a Minor
Often times law enforcement officers will cross the line of what's fair in these kinds of cases, resulting in a person being enticed or entrapped into doing or saying something they had no intention of doing in the first place. These cases require very aggressive lawyering and should not be handled by just any criminal defense attorney.Record Sealing
A successful sealing of a record in Florida can be accomplished in most cases, as long as the person has never before been "adjudicated guilty" of a crime.DUI & Criminal Traffic
We can help you fight your dui charges. I represent those being charged with both misdemeanor and felony dui. I also handle all criminal traffic charges.Child Pornography
These allegations can be life altering and must be handled by a lawyer who knows all of the nuances of defending these very complex accusations. From illegal searches and sentencing guidelines that are grossly unfair, the issues that arise in these cases need to be handled by a specialist.Juvenile
A different set of rules and procedures are at work in these kinds of cases; we know them well and can usually find a way to keep these situations from permanently ruining the young person's future.Federal Crimes
We've been practicing in federal court for more than 15 years now, and can handle cases from any federal jurisdiction in the country.Violent & Gun Crimes
These situations can get serious -- attempted murder, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, possession of firearm by a convicted felon, battery, and domestic violence being the most common charges that we always vigorously defend.Theft
Retail theft, grand theft, dealing in stolen property, burglary, and fraud cases make up the majority of cases in this category. I handle these kinds of matters and often find a way to avoid jail time for the accused.Post-Conviction Relief
There are a number of potential post conviction options available in Federal Court after a person is convicted; in Florida state courts, the "3.850 motion" is available, most often employed if filed within two years of the date of the final judgement.
Brian Mallonee has successfully represented hundreds of good people charged with DUI for more than 20 years. Download his DUI Survival Guide if you want more information on what you might expect while being prosecuted for a DUI in Florida.
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